Super Affiliate Secrets X Review: Scam Or [Making Money Online Opportunity]

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Like many other systems I’ve reviewed recently, this system is making some unrealistic claims about how you can make very large amounts of money, very quickly, with very little effort or work.

You can see a few other reviews I’ve done that are very similar to this one which has some red flags that stand out.  Most of these HAVE or WILL fail as they don’t have the necessary components for success.

Profit Raiders Review

Shockwave Profits Review

Cash Magnets Review 7

7 Minutes Daily Profits Review

Secret Millionaire Bot Review


If you ran across this program while searching the internet for a way of making money online opportunity, you may be tempted to jump right on this without doing any research because on the surface it does look good.

You still need to be careful though because these systems are not always what they seem to be.

You can make money online and lots of it but it won’t happen overnight and you’ll have to put some work into it.  There are certain things that must be done in order to achieve success online.

There are many legit systems that you can use to make money.  You just have to learn how to spot the red flags when they pop up in order to avoid being scammed.

Product: Super Affiliate Secret X


Owner/Vender: Kisha

Price: $47. + expensive upsells

Rating: 2/10

Recommended: No


If you’re tired of being scammed online and want a legit way to earn money online, check out my #1 recommendation!


What Is Super Affiliate Secrets X

This system is loaded  with testimonials of people claiming to have made huge amounts of money but can this be true. They claim you can make a $1,000 a day using their weird commission’s loophole.

You might have even watched Super affiliate Secrets X’s sales video and are still trying to figure it out because they sure don’t tell you much about it.

It’s like so many of the other products I’ve reviewed in the recent past.   

They are all very vague about how it works and they all make unrealistic claims of how much money you can make and how quick you can make it with very little effort and no Tech skills.

They do mention network marketing and they tell you that all the products have been created for you.

They also tell you the videos are shot and ready to go, sales materials have been created and everything you will need is already done for you by their sales experts.

This sure sounds like a multi-level marketing system to me based on my experience. This is not the type of system I would recommend.


How Does Super Affiliate Secrets X Work

As you can see in their sales page, all the testimonials refer you to a system called the “Super Affiliate Network” and a person called Misha Wilson. Sound familiar?

These names  are also used in “The Profit Shortcut System”.  so you can see that these products are not really systems, they are just simply sales pages for the system called “Super Affiliate Network”

The way you earn money is by promoting this product. You must buy into the product and then any person that you sign up will be known as your referral.

You will make 70% commission from their sign up. You will then  make 5% commission from everyone your referral signs up. You will be asked to buy into more than $12,000 end up sales in order to move to the next level of training.

The system offers boot camp training to its system so you can learn everything you need to know about its function. You will learn how to promote the system to others using the info.

You will be replicating quiches process by creating a fake product name which will funnel your readers to the super affiliate Network system.


Is Super Affiliate Secret X a scam

No I wouldn’t exactly call this product a scam because the training may have some value if you have enough experience to figure it out but it’s is certainly not for a beginner.

They do give you the tools to create a sales page but they don’t tell you how you’re supposed to get traffic to your sales page. Without traffic / visitors, you will have no sales or commissions.

There is a process to follow for getting traffic and without this knowledge you will never earn one red Cent.


A Better/Safer Way To Earn Online

If you are serious about starting an online business to make money, you need to get some real, valuable training. You can get that training from the same place where I learned how to do affiliate marketing.

The training I am speaking of will teach you how to use S.E.O. to get free  targeted traffic. It will teach you how to write the proper kind of content that will get you ranked in the search engines.

It will teach you the relevance of search engine ranking to getting targeted traffic. It will teach you the difference between traffic and targeted traffic.

These are things the fly-by-night systems don’t tell you. That’s why they don’t work.   You can get started with the training that will give you all this valuable knowledge, for free. No credit card info is needed.

Once you are in and have had a chance to look around, start the training and get a website up and running, you may want to upgrade to premium membership.

It is not required. You can remain a free starter member for as long as you like. The upgrade to premium is simply an offer for a lot more benefits and in no way is it a requirement.

Here is a comparison graphic that will show you the difference between free and premium membership.



The platform where are you can learn all the things and get all the training you will ever need is called wealthy affiliate (WA).   The training at wealthy affiliate is never-ending.

It will get you on a path to success where you can start a productive business that will earn you a passive income for years to come.  If you would like to give it a try, just click the button below to get started for free!


button create your free account here


It’s hard to find a legit making money online opportunity so be careful and you do your research!


Let’s make money online!


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