2019 Blast Off Review: Legit Or Scam

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Are you seriously considering signing on to this system but decided to check out a few reviews before you just dive in?  Well, you made a very wise decision.  Keep reading to see what this system is all about.

Product: 2019 Blast Off

Website: 2019blastoff.com

Owners: Bill Hugnall & Simple Spencer

Price: $8.-$13. + Other Upsells

Rating: 2/10

Recommended: No

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2019 blast off review


What Is 2019 Blast Off

You think you’ve found a system that will get you crushing it in 2019? Yeah, this system claims you can earn $130 every day. Well, don’t get too excited just yet.

I’ve reviewed a lot of other sites like this that make big promises and just take your money.  You can see a few of these below:

Get weekly Paychecks
Writing To Wealth
EZ Bay Payday
Club 365
Rapid Profit system

Let’s drive dive in and check it all out. I see that Bill hugnall and Simple Spencer are at it again. This is not the first time I have run into them. They make the same “big money” claims in their Holiday Gold Rush product and their Profit Vortex products.

In Bills claims, he says using his over-the-shoulder “case study” he has made $130 a day in only 48 hours.  He says there’s no list required, no website needed, no Tech skills required and it’s also newbie friendly. Man, that sounds like a dream come true.

Just hold on and blast off to a profitable 2019! Is this for real? Let’s keep going and see what we can learn. They say this is a “Secret untapped way to make money and become a profit generating machine.

Well, that tells me a lot. Not! The sales video is very vague on details about how the system works and what you’ll be doing in order to earn $130 a day with this system.

What it says is:

  • Super simple $100 a day male method
  • no one is doing this method
  • proven case study
  • very newbie friendly
  • no product to promote
  • no videos required
  • nothing techy
  • fun and profitable system
  • quick and easy start

How Does The 2019 Blast Off Work

2019 blast off

2019 Blast Off is a training program consisting of six videos. It’s about how to use solo ads to make money. Now, as I said, they claim this is a new,”Secret Untapped Method” to make money, but solo ads have been around for a very long time.

Are these people living in the stone ages or just trying to pull the wool over your eyes? I think it’s the latter. Many product owners use this technique to lure you into buying their product.

They play on the fact that a lot of beginners won’t know or recognize the truth that this is no new or secret method. They really try to take advantage of beginners and the owners do make a lot of money doing just that.

The way solo ads work is by using email marketing to get traffic, leads, and sales, through promoting offers. What you do is buy email list and use this list to send your promotions or offers to. I do not believe you will make any money using this method.

Is 2019 Blast Off A Scam

You’ll need to make that decision for yourself but I hope I have given you enough information so that you can make an educated decision. I can tell you, an email list will do you no good at all if no targeted traffic is seeing your offer.

You can’t just send a stranger an offer and expect that they will buy from you. Would you buy from a stranger with no following? I wouldn’t! That’s why it’s important to have a website, where you have built trust with your followers. who trust your advice or a social media site where your followers trust you.


How I Make Money Online

It takes time to build trust. You don’t even need to start an email list until you have a sufficient amount of traffic coming to your website every single day.

You would be just throwing your money down the drain and wasting a lot of your time setting it all up.  These guys should be showing you how to set up an online business first before showing you how to run an email campaign because the other way around is putting the cart before the horse.

In order to promote an offer, you first need to become an affiliate of that company that owns the product or service. This process is called affiliate marketing. That’s what I do with my website and I have regular, passive income every single month. I didn’t become successful overnight.

It took me a lot of hard work and a lot of time (over a year) before I started making any money. it was certainly worth the time and effort so worth waiting for. Anyone can make money online and lots of it, but you must learn how the process works to make money online.

You can’t just throw up the website (even if it’s a pretty one) and expect to make money with it. You can learn all this from the same exact place where I learned by clicking here.  All the training anyone will ever need ,to achieve success is right here in wealthy affiliate.

They teach you how to choose your Niche and choose your domain name and how to install your first website. They also teach you how to optimize your site so that the search engines can find it and send visitors to you.  They teach you about how to get traffic coming to your site for free.

It’s called organic traffic. If you don’t learn this your business will never be successful. Yes, you can buy traffic but you won’t make much money from Paid traffic.

The reason you want organic traffic is because it is targeted traffic, which means this traffic is specifically searching for the product you are promoting.

You also learn how to write awesome content that targets a specific audience. With the wealthy affiliate platform you get so many free tools that most web host charge an arm and a leg for.

You also get 24/7 support and the support of a large community that is 1.6 million strong and they love helping others. We are all helping each other.

If you follow the training step by step and do the task as you go, the only way you can fail is if you quit. This training gives you a proven path to success. Many here at wealthy affiliate are making 4, 5, and even 6, figures monthly incomes and there are even some who have achieved millionaire status.

They don’t make outrageous claims. They simply offer you a proven path to success. The best part is you can get started for free. You can join a free starter membership, take the first level of training and even get your website up and rolling.

After you have finished the first level of training and have your website up and rolling, you’ll probably want to upgrade to premium. By that time you will have a chance to see the quality of the training and the support that is available.

There is no pressure to upgrade to premium but it’s just a lot easier and quicker to achieve success with the premium membership. You also get access to more tools.

You can remain a free starter member for as long as you like but you’ll make money faster with premium. If this sounds like something you’d like to try looking into, just click the green button below.


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