Your Freedom Mentor Review: Scam Or Legit

Your Freedom Mentor Review


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It’s exciting to find new opportunities to explore and use to make money online, but is Your Freedom Mentor legit or is this just another scam?

Product: Your Freedom Mentor


Owner: N/A

Price: $37. Plus Upsells

Recommended: No

I’m glad you stopped by to check out my review of Your Freedom Mentor. You can’t be to careful these days when searching for ways to make money online.

There are scams at every turn just waiting to take your money.

What Is Your Freedom Mentor

You’re probably thinking this is coaching program for Real Estate Agents because that’s what it looks like at first glance but that’s another website.

Your Freedom Mentor is an affiliate Marketing program that claims you can make as much as $1074. a day using their sales funnel.

First of all, red flags are flying right off the bat because it sounds too good to be true and they are too vague about how you will make money.

Another red flag is the testimonials are all fake just like most other sites of this nature. They are all made by paid actors. The claims are all completely unrealistic and I know this because I know how to really make money online and I know this can’ work.

How Does Your Freedom Mentor Work

First, let me say, don’t confuse Your Freedom Mentor with another program called Freedom Mentor, which is a Real Estate Mentoring program.

You are led to believe that they have created a website for you and it is already working to make money for you. In reality, this is not even a live or current video. It is one they are re-using from another website.

They say if you work for just 15-20 minutes, within twenty-four hours, you can have money rolling into your bank account.

Your Freedom Mentor looks like you’re signing up for an expensive sales funnel but actually, once you sign up, you’re taken to a lot of expensive up sells that they call business opportunities.

One of these opportunities is MOBE (my own business education) which was shut down a while back by the FTC (federal Trade Commission)

Long story short, you can’t move on or make any money unless you purchase these expensive up sells and the up sells are as worthless as your initial sign up.

I doubt seriously that you would make any money even if you purchased all the up sells. In fact they even tell you this in their disclaimer.

Your Freedom Mentor Review

The only one that I can see that would make money with this program are the owners.

Red Flags

  1. unable to identify owner or location
  2. Re-using videos from other scam sites
  3. Fake testimonials from other scam sites
  4. unrealistic claims of high income

They make big claims that you can make as much as thousands a day but turn right around and say you won’t in their disclaimer.

I can tell you that not even legit programs claim such unrealistic amounts. I have personally created a successful online business and I know how it works and what it takes to succeed online.

I know from my own experience that this program will not lead you to a good outcome.

Is Your Freedom Mentor A Scam

You can judge this for yourself but personally I would avoid this program at all cost. I can’t see any way you would make any money with this, especially $1,000. a day or more.

Nobody can make that kind of money in such short amount of time, not in your first 24 hours, your first week or even your first months, or even your first year.

You’ve heard the saying, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. That saying fits this program to a tee.

When you see this many red flags in a program, it’s just better to be safe than sorry. They use the fact that most people don’t know what it takes to make money online, to pull the wool over your eyes.

Making money online is a process which requires much learning, hard work, consistent hard work, and lots of time to scale your business to such levels.

If you want to make real money working online, I’ll show you a better way.

How I Make Money Online

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