Proven Online Income:Start Living The Good Life Today


Proven Online Income

I’ve reviewed many online income products that claim you can make lots of money very quickly, some claim you can make thousands within minutes even. In just a minute I’m going to given you the steps Proven Online Income.

So far all these so-called online income opportunities, such as Millionaire Edge System, My Ecom Club and Leveraged Breakthrough System, have all been nothing more than duds.

I have also written a review for Wealthy Affiliate, and this is the product that has brought me great success. I’ll tell you why below.

Hi, I’m Fran. I’m a successful online marketer and I’m going to pass on to you exactly why I love Wealthy Affiliate so much and how I make money online. I’ll also pass on to you a couple of my favorite products that I used to make money and they have proven online income history.

You too, can use these products to earn a very nice income working at home with your online marketing business. Don’t be scammed by those other platforms that claim that you can make very large amounts of money in just minutes, five-thirty minutes in fact.

Well I can speak from experience when I tell you, if that happens, you are experiencing a miracle in progress. There is a process to making money with an online business. It’s just what it takes before you will make money online.

Follow A Path Of Least Resistance

There are some things that you just have to do before you can make money online and it works best if you follow the path of the least resistance, a proven path to success, in other words.

  • You’ll need an established website
  • You’ll need lots of awesome content
  • You’ll need lots of traffic/visitors
  • You’ll need some great products to offer

There are two different camps/categories when it comes to making money online, Active Income and Passive Income. I choose to pass on active income.

Active Income VS Passive Income

I do very little active income. Why? Because active income, in most cases, can eat up large blocks of your time and produces very little reward for that time.

Passive income, on the other hand, once it is set up properly, can reap very high rewards. In fact, the sky really is the limit to the amount of income you can earn from passive income. Granted, it may take a little longer, in the beginning, but once it’s rolling, it can go on forever, or at least for many years to come, with very little effort.

Learn The Process To Success

Just like any real business, online marketing has a comprehensive learning path that you must learn before you will ever be successful at an online business.

As you start your online business, (or any other business for that matter) during this learning process, you will probably experience some failures along your way. Don’t let these failures deter your success. Instead, consider these failures as stepping stones to achieving success. Everyone has them.

You must keep your eye on the prize and focus on what has to be done in order to succeed. You’ll need to find a few good products to promote when it’s time to monetize your website, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

You’ll first need to concentrate on building up your traffic count on your website. You can do this by building a great website and I am not speaking of FANCY! Your website should be clean and uncluttered. It should be easy to read and easy to navigate. In my opinion, lots of white space with black text is the easiest to read.

You also need to build out your BRAND so folks will remember you and return to your site frequently. Creating a nice and relevant logo is beneficial to branding your website as well as making it look professional.

The use of all the social media platforms is helpful in sending traffic to your site and writing great content will help to build your traffic count as well.


Monetize your website

Once you start to draw a fair amount of traffic to your website you’ll want to go ahead and monetize it with a few great products. Only use products that you know and love. This for two reasons, 1) you want your visitors to trust you and , 2) if you love and trust these products it’s much easier to show your visitors why they are so great.

I use many products to monetize my websites but my two favorite products are Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy. Wealthy Affiliate is the best online marketing product I’ve found. It pays a very high commission rate, you can trust it, and you can count on getting your money right on time.

It’s a tried and true product, but not only is it a great marketing product, it also comes with free web hosting, the best support system. SSL site security, a great WordPress quick install platform, hundreds of training lessons and videos and so much more.

You can join for free and you have the option of staying a free member or if you want more benefits, you have the option of upgrading to a Premium Membership at a very modest rate. Check it out below.

You can see below in the comparison chart what is included in both the free starter membership and the Premium membership.

Jaaxy is another great product I used to monetize my website. It’s a keyword research tool. I give this tool a lot of credit to my success. I don’t know if I would ever get ranked in Google without it.

I use Jaaxy in every article I write. It can give you the perfect keyword for every post. I can also give you posting ideas to write your content around and it can even tell you if there is an available Domain Name for your keyword.

Both of the above products, Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy, are proven, tried and true marketing products to get you started making some money online.

There are some other products that I do recommend such as Amazon Associates. Amazon is one of the largest online stores in the world. It is a very trusted store which makes it easier to get sales on their products.

It’s a great way for newer sites to monetize since a lot of affiliate programs won’t accept sites that don’t have a lot of traffic. Amazon will allow just about anyone to set up an account. They then will have to make three sales within 180 days or they will close the account, however you will be allowed to open a new account.

One way a new site can get started monetizing their site with Amazon is listing ebooks that are relative to their website. There are many other programs you can use as well, but My two favorites still stand as Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy.

Let’s make some money!



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