Profit Dojo Review: Legit Or Just Another Big Scam


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Profit Dojo Review


Are you concerned that this product might be just another scam and are here checking it out.  Congratulations on that!  You’re wise to always check these products out before jumping in.

Product: Profitt Dojo


Owner: Fergal Downes, Manny Hanif, Mehdi tihani

Price: $9.95 + up sells

Recommended: No

What Is Profit Dojo

Profit Dojo is a step-by-step video training course that will show you how Manny makes from $1,425. to $5,000. per month by leveraging “a unique passive traffic method” without ever paying a dime for it.

They claim you can make thousands with just a little work.  They use fake income graphs and testimonials, which are just red flags to me. I review many sites every day that are very similar.

You can see a few similar sites I’ve reviewed recently:

Get weekly Paychecks
Writing To Wealth
EZ Bay Payday
Club 365
Rapid Profit system

I have learned to spot these red flags and scam sites easily because they all have similar traits.  They claim you can make very big money with very little effort, and you can make it very quickly.

They also claim to have secret methods for getting quick traffic to your site but I know there are no secret methods to bring the right kind of traffic that you need to achieve success.

You can watch out for these wild promises and save yourself the headache of being scammed.

How Does Profit Dojo Work

It’s true what they tell you at profit Dojo, “if you can control your traffic, you control your income, but that doesn’t mean you can control your traffic with profit Dojo.

The more passive income traffic campaigns you run, the more money you make so they say. The problem is, profit Dojo is so vague there is no way to know how this “Passive Income Traffic” works.

They tell you nothing about it in the sales video.  It’s all a bunch of hype but no details. I would never hand over my money to a system like this without knowing how it is supposed to work.

They say this traffic doesn’t come from email list building or S.E.O. traffic or affiliate marketing. So where does it come from? They’re not even giving a clue.

Then there are all the fake testimonials that throw up more red flags. They tell you right in the disclaimer that the results they claim are not typical. They also tell you some of the commenters were paid for those comments.

There are better and safer ways to make money online. Don’t allow yourself to be scammed online.

Is Profit Dojo A Scam

You’ll have to decide that for yourself but at least you have some information now to help you make an educated decision. This product certainly does not get my recommendation due to being so vague, claims of making big money fast and the fake testimonials.

These sites are a dime-a-dozen and folks are getting scammed right and left. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online and lots of it but it won’t be quick and it won’t be easy.

You really have to put a lot of effort into it before you will start making money but it’s really worth the effort.

How I make Money Online

If you are serious about making money online, you first have to build a strong foundation. It’s  like building a skyscraper. You start with a strong foundation and work your way to the Top.

This starts with getting the right training and learning how to set your site up for Success. When I first tried affiliate marketing, I failed miserably because I had no idea what was involved in the affiliate marketing business.

After several failures, I finally discovered Wealthy Affiliate and got the training I had needed in order to create a successful online business. Wealthy Affiliate is not one of those fly-by-night website. They have been around for about 13 years and continue to grow every year.

They are now nearing 1.5 million members strong. When you join Wealthy Affiliate for a free starter membership, you can get started with the training that will set you on a path to success.

There are hundreds of lessons and video tutorials at wealthy affiliate and the starter membership will give you enough to get your business website up and running.

You can remain a free starter member for as long as you like and whenever you are ready you can upgrade to premium. The premium membership opens up even more training and tools to help with your online success.

If you have tried affiliate marketing before and weren’t successful you need wealthy affiliate. Wealthy affiliate has all the secrets to making anyone successful and if you go through the training and seriously apply it, you will attain success.

There is so much money out there and you can have your share if you just take the time to learn how it works and put in the effort.

The day I discovered Wealthy Affiliate, it was life changing for me.  I had always been willing to work as hard as I needed to, in order to reach success.  I had just not been able to put it all together.

Once I took the training, everything became crystal clear.  The great part is, once your site gets on the right path and starts making money it will then continue to grow and multiply and that’s how it becomes a Passive Income.

You can get the same training that I used to become successful with my online business and you can get started for free.  It will be a lot easier for you than it was for me because there is so much help and support from both the owners and the community.

I’ll also be right there to help you on every turn if you need me.  Get started now for free by clicking on the green button below.

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