Traffix Z Review

Are you struggling to find legitimate affiliate marketing systems to promote? You’re not alone. There is no shortage of products out there but so many of them just turn out to be scams. You’re smart to be checking out our Traffix Z Review before accepting products like this as legit.

You can check out some of my other recent reviews below:

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019

Passive Income Machine Review

Stomperrr Review

Legendary Marketer Review



 What Is  Traffix Z

Traffix Z is a new Cloud app that instantly builds commission engines that get you buyer traffic and sales everyday in 59 seconds or less. Yes, that’s what they claim. This product is an affiliate marketing product and was created by Josh Fulton and Mosh Bari. They’ve created lots of other products that turned out to be a little shady to say the least. Is this  one going to be different? Let’s check it out and see.



Traffix Z Review


How Does Traffix Z Work


No tedious work, Works in any Niche, here’s how:


  •  Sends buyer traffic to any links of your choice
  • Scales to Super affiliate status with ease
  • Works in any niche you could think of
  • Set it and forget it Builds self updating, traffic sucking, money making sites with auto updating, trending content.
  • Cloud-based app: get traffic on any device
  • No extra cost –  domain and blazing fast hosting provided
  • Complete  step-by-step training


All of this is done in just 3 simple steps:


  1. Log into traffix Z app and enter any link of your choice
  2. choose your niche- simply enter any keyword
  3. open the traffic floodgates- activate the app and it will find and turn trending content into loads of free traffic


Traffix Z commission engine will let you pocket it $300 to $500 a month on autopilot and you can create as many of these as you like.You can be banking 3 + figures a day or 4 plus figures a month. Sounds good, right?

But wait, is this really true? How is this product different than the others out there that just take your money and leave you with nothing. They say they have finally figured out the one component that has kept people like you struggling and kept you from achieving success. Traffic shortage!

Well, we all know that traffic is the lifeblood of any marketers success. They say they can bring you that traffic for free. I don’t think so! Even if they did, I don’t believe it would be the right targeted traffic that you would really benefit from.


 Product: Traffix Z

Vendor/Creator:Jason Fulton – Mosh Bari

Price: $20.  Plus upsells

Rating: 2/10

Recommended: No


My #1 Recommendation is picture of link button


Is Traffix Z A Scam

No, I don’t think this Traffix Z  system is a complete scam. If you have a boatload of money to spend for all the upsells you may be able to make it work and make some money. If you’re an affiliate marketer you need traffic and loads of it.

Expecting to make money online without traffic is like expecting a car to run without fuel. It won’t happen. But I also don’t think that you’ll get the right kind of traffic that your online business needs with this  system.


Traffix Z Review




  • Make money potential
  • Save time




  • Too expensive
  • Not as easy as they claim



All in one Traffix Z  maybe a legit way for you to get traffic to your business and make some money but it won’t be as easy as they say. Also there will be more cost to it than just the front end price. You will need to buy into the extensive up sells in order to make it work for you.


 There Is A Better, Proven Way To Make Money Online

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate over any other platform for making money online. If you have been struggling to achieve success with your online business it’s probably because you need some training on how exactly, affiliate marketing works.

Wealthy Affiliate provides the most intensive training you will ever find online. They will teach you how to properly set up your business for the search engines to find you.

They will teach you how to write engaging content that will bring visitors to your site.

They will teach you how to get free, organic, targeted traffic that will convert to sales and commissions. Most of these fly-by-night systems require that you buy your traffic. That can be very expensive and drain any profit you may make.

On the other hand, organic traffic is totally different. Organic traffic is targeted to your Niche so that the visitors it brings to your website are coming to the site ready to buy your product. You will be far ahead of the game with this traffic.

You can get started for free at Wealthy Affiliate. They do offer two membership levels, free and premium.

You can get started for free and if you decide to upgrade to Premium you can do that at any time along the way. If you don’t choose to upgrade to premium, that’s okay, you can remain a starter member for as long as you like.

I’ll show you a comparison chart below to help you make your decision.


Membersip Comparison Chart


There are no up sells at wealthy affiliate which also sets it apart from the other systems out there. Wealthy affiliate has a proven record of over 13 years in business and more than 2 million members.

We are a helping Community. We love helping newcomers achieve success. Check it out by clicking here if you think this may be where you want to begin your journey to success.

We are living in troubling times right now with this pandemic affecting our whole world.  Millons have lost there jobs and are worried about how they are going to feed their family, pay the rent and all the other bills.

With the stay-at-home and social distancing rules in effect, how are expected to find a job.  Even the ones that are available have so much competition that it’s almost impossible to get.

That’s the best reason to learn affiliate marketing.  Anyone can make money doing it.  You’re your own boss so you can’t get fired and even in times of crisis like we are experiencing now, it is even more lucrative.

Your work at home job in affiliate marketing will always be secure.


This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.

Please note, I am not a member of, or an affiliate for Traffix Z.  This review has been researched with information and/or testimonials that are available online in the public domain.  Any recommendations and/or conclusions are strictly opinions and may not apply to, or agree with, all persons or situations.  See full disclaimer for more info.

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