Welcome to my review of The Wealth Network!

Congratulations on doing your homework before jumping into one more product that Just might be another scam. Doing extensive homework, or research is the best way to avoid scams. A lot of folks just jump in and buy the first product they see online with a few fancy words and some pretty pictures.

I know you’re in a hurry to make some money, I’ve been there, but my message is very IMPORTANT. Of course everyone is in a hurry to make money online and I don’t blame you. It’s not easy to figure out which products are the right ones for you in your endeavor to create a successful online business.

My message is very simple, you see, because I’m NOT an affiliate of The Wealth Network, because even though you can join for free without buying any product, I’m not promoting this product. I’m simply, honestly, reviewing the product and objectively steering my readers in the right direction.

So, let’s see if The Wealth Network is legit or scam:

PRODUCT NAME: The Wealth Network (TWN)

FOUNDER: The Wealth Network was founded in 2017, by David Arnett, Jesse Singh, Sean Agnew and Josh Jacobs.

PRODUCT TYPE: The Wealth Network is an educational platform and tool suite, with courses that focuses on AMAZON FBA

PRICE: $3.00 with up to almost $10,000. in up sells

WHO IS IT FOR: Newbies and anyone wanting to get started with e-commerce.

RATING: 50%/100

RECOMMENDED: No. There are programs out there that have so much more to offer and it is very expensive with up sells going to almost $10,000. Plus some of the training is questionable.

Here’s My Top Recommended Training program for Affiliate Marketing or Any online Business



So what is The Wealth Network, you ask. well, take a look at their mission statement below.

Mission Statement

The Wealth Network provides entrepreneurs with a world-class educational platform and tool suite. From a beginner step by step training process to advanced software and services, The Wealth Network has it all. Powerful cutting edge software and services are provided along with training from industry experts who are using the exact strategies they teach.

The Wealth Network exists to equip you with the right people, the right training,
and the right tools to help skyrocket your business!

Did that tell you very much about what kind of training you’ll get or what kind of business you can create. No. They do mention software, services, tool suite, but when you get in there I think most of that comes at a premium. That’s what I meant about up sells.

Their mission statement is just a lot of pretty words and really doesn’t tell you how you’ll start that business or how you’ll make money. They’re hyping you with those pretty words in hopes you’ll think they are this huge dynamic company that will guide you to riches.

It’s really difficult to understand exactly what they’re about and how you can make money with this program. I’ll try to explain to you how the program works.

The Wealth Network focuses on Amazon FBA which stands for Fullfillment By Amazon. The way this works is that there are two different ways you can leverage this platform’

  1. The e-commerce wealth system: This is the training program that focuses on Amazon FBA. It’s called the “3 day pay system”. The cost is just $3. and the claim is that you can start earning money on Amazon in just three days. That claim is highly doubtful.
  2. The Marketing Wealth System: This one will cost you $67./month. It is a tool suite that give you the resources needed to build your own websites, sales funnels and landing pages. Some of the things included with this system are, SEO training, Facebook Mastermind Group.

There are so many up sells at every turn and as you probably guessed, the $3. Really won’t get you much of anything.

Their main focus, I’ve learned, is promoting The Wealth Network Journey at a whopping price of $1,997. and the Legacy that comes in a price of $9,997.

The thing I will leave you with is that you should just know going in that you will be spending many thousands of dollars and may or may not achieve any kind of success.

Let’s get real here, though, Amazon FBA is not a scam. It is a real legitimate business model. Many millionaires have been created around the world using this business model. The founders also are real people and have achieved huge successes in their own right.

Along with the owners there is also the video training wich is easy for beginners to follow and understand you can certainly gain some very valuable knowledge but as for making any money, you would have to spend thousands more dollars before you would make any money.

Something else I have to mention is, the one on one coaches. There is a reason why they are there and it’s not all about helping you. The real reason they are there is to try to persuade you to purchase their high ticket up sells. Don’t fall for it. Only do it if you see the value in it and you really want to make the purchase.

I cannot personally speak about this but there are reports that they do not honor their seven day refund policy. There are also reports that they just don’t answer or respond at all to the request for refunds.

Some things to consider before joining is if you plan to go with the e-commerce wealth system then you will need to purchase hundreds or even thousands of dollars of stock before you can start to use the system and on top of that are shipping fees and Amazon fulfillment fees.

If you plan to use the marketing wealth system it will have an expensive monthly fee and you will be constantly hassled with up sells at huge amounts

of money.


The Wealth Network is an OK platform that teaches people about making money online using e-commerce through Amazon FBA. They do have some decent training and they do assign you a one on one coach but some of the training teaches some bad techniques. I wouldn’t recommend this program but there are some decent things to be said for it.

Again, my all time, over the top, recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because it has a free membership that includes two free websites and the first ten entrepreneur lessons and many other benefits. No one hassles you to go premium. It is offered but not pushed. So, if you want to take a look at Wealthy affiliate for free before you make a decision, you can sign up here.


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