7 STEPS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE: How To Launch Your Onlne Business

How to write awesome content


How To Launch Your Online Business Using The Seven Steps

These seven StepsTo Making Money Online are crucial to creating a successful and profitable online business.

1. Finding a niche that you are passionate about. You’re going to be writing a lot of content about this topic so it better be something you’re passionate about. Being passionate about your topic doesn’t necessarily mean you know a lot about it. It can also be something you want to learn a lot about.




A. Make a list of all the things you’re passionate about and make sure if they can be profitable

B. Make sure there are also a lot of others in the world that are interested in this topic.

C. Do people spend money on this topic or product?

D. Is there a lot of competition on this topic? Competion doesn’t have to be a bad thing, You just have to be better than the competion.

2. Start a website or blog. In order to make money online, you need an online presence. The good news is, its really easy to build a website with the tools available today. You’ll also need web hosting

You can choose to go it alone or you can join a community of internet marketers, where you’ll get free top-notch training and free websites. Click below to check it out for free!



A. You’ll get free world-class hosting

B. Two free websites

C. The best training and tutorials

D. One on one coaching

E. Feedback and comments from the other members to help ain site authority


3. Build an opt-in page

You’ll need to have an opt-in page so that you can build an email list if you hope to be successful in online marketing. Your opt-in page should have a clear call-to-action such as “download now” or “Give Me Access”.

4. Something for free gift You need to offer a free gift to entice people to sign up for your email opt-in form. It can be a free ebook or a free online course or any such thing.

5. Set up Autoresponder An autoresponder is a place where data of all your clients is stored. You can send or schedule emails to be sent at any interval you choose. You can also store rewritten emails to be sent at regular intervals.



6. Writing your emails It’s a good idea to sign up for as many peoples emails in your niche as you can. You will find two or three favorites that will resonate with you. Use those to emulate for your own emails and make sure to avoid the ones you don’t like.

There are three types of emails you should be sending.

A. Content emails

B. Relationship emails

C. Promotional emails



A huge mistake in the thinking of a lot of internet marketers is that you make money selling things. That couldn’t be further from the truth. You make money from writing valuable, relevant and engaging content. The way you do this is:

A. Use a catchy subject line

B. State why you are emailing them

C. Always state “what’s in it for me” (the customer)



7. Driving traffic to your opt-in page Only two ways to get traffic.

A. Free

B. Paid


How does it all work

You write a lot of awesome content that has relevance to your visitors. They find your content and want to hear more of what you have to say. They like your content and sign up to your opt-in to get emails when you write more content.

Don’t forget to promote your content on social media. Growing your online business is like a snowball effect. Keep writing great content because that keeps it rolling along until it eventually becomes huge.

Some Basic things to remember————-

Free can be a good thing

Always take time to help others

Write valuable, relevant content regularly

Promote with social media

gift free stuff

You want succeed with internet marketing by trying to make money. The way to succeed is to write relevant content that helps others and that will bring success on its own.

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