Six Figure Success Academy Review: Legit Or Scam

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Six Figure Success Academy

Product: Six Figure Success Academy


Owner/Creator: Ty Cohen & Mike Balmaceda

Price: $1997.

Rating: 1/10

Recommended: No

Is Six Figure Success Academy the real deal or just another big scam.  We’ll check it out for you and let you know what we think.  It seems every time I log onto the internet these days, I find a new scam just waiting to take our money.

That’s why I’m here, to let you know about these sites and help you avoid getting ripped off.  There is so much great opportunity to make money online but there are also many scams.  We have to be diligent in weeding out these scams from the real opportunity.

If you’re tired of getting scammed online, check out my #1 recommended system for making money online

What Is Six Figure Success Academy

Would you like to earn $250 to $500 a day or even multiple times a day online, with absolutely no risk. That’s what Six Figure Success Academy says you can do with their system.

I wouldn’t get too excited. To me that is just a big red flag. Let’s take a closer look and see if this is for Real.


How Does Six-Figure Academy Work

First of all you have to lay out a bit of cash so let’s get into the meat of things.   What Six Figure Success Academy is, is a video training program that shows anyone, even a complete newbie with no experience, how to create a cash generating system on the internet.

It shows you step by step how to create webinars that sell just about anything you can think of. It could be your own product or you could sell other people’s products.

They say you outline a specific strategy for selling through the use of webinars.

See the steps below:

  • Step 1: Find someone who has an online course, of which there are millions.  You don’t need to spend a single second (or penny) creating your product.
  • Step 2: Help them sell more of their course, using the Six Figure Success Academy unique template.
  • Step 3: Put the course in front of the people who already want it, with their wallets out and ready to buy.

What the system boils down to is an affiliate marketing system. They are just covering it up with a ton of gibberish. You don’t need this expensive system to do the same thing.

You can do it with written content or with videos. There are thousands of products out there to promote as a marketer.  It’s so much better to be promoting products that you choose and that there is a real demand for.

That way you will never be dependent on anyone else for your own success.

So many systems like this only last a few months and when they are found to be scams, they just fold and close up their doors.  That leaves you with nothing to show for all that money you spent.


Is six-figure Success Academy a scam

You’ll have to decide this for yourself but I hope I have given you the information you need in order to make an educated decision. One thing the system claims is that you get a 30-day money-back guarantee.

I doubt seriously that you could ever get your money back if you tried. Here’s why! This is a six week course. That’s 42 days, which goes past your guarantee.

Also the guarantee stipulates that in order to get a refund, you would have to watch all the training videos, review all the training resources, buy all the upsells and you still probably wouldn’t get your money back.

There’s no way to abide by the guarantee, which gives Six Figure Success Academy a way to get out of the guarantee.

I do feel that there is some value that could be gained from these videos and all the training, but even with that, I don’t think you will be making money like they claim.

First of all, this is a very expensive system. How many people do you think you could find out there that could afford to fork over this kind of money for a risky system like this.  Second is that, if you expect to get any sales you will need traffic and trust.

This would probably take you about a year to gain the amount of authority and traffic that you would need to get the sales. Yes, you could get traffic by buying it but that is very expensive and it’s the wrong kind of traffic.

What you need to get is organic traffic, which means it is specifically targeted to what you’re selling. It’s going to take a lot of time and hard work, but organic traffic is free.

It doesn’t cost you one penny, just a little hard work. You can do everything this system offers you, all on your own. You can set up your website, optimize it for search engines, write a lot of awesome content and promote great products.

That’s how affiliate marketing works. The price of a domain name and web hosting is way less expensive than what Six Figure Success Academy will cost you.

The system where I learned all about affiliate marketing is an all-in-one website that includes web hosting, you can choose and purchase your domain and it comes with all the training you will ever need.

It also includes hundreds of lessons and video tutorials as well as a weekly live webinar where you can interact and ask questions. You know it must be good, because it is 1.6 million members strong and has remained in business since 2005.

I personally got all my training there and have had my website hosted there for almost three years.  The system I use is Wealthy Affiliate.  It’s the greatest place on the internet to get training and learn how to make money online.



Why waste your time and money on a system that is probably not going to help you make money online. These sites are a dime a dozen and you’d just be throwing your money down the drain.

The platform that is my number one recommendation is wealthy affiliate. The reason I recommend wealthy affiliate is because they taught me how to really make money online and got me on a path to success.

I am happy to say that this system really works. If you follow the training you will achieve success.  The only way to fail is to quit or not follow the training.

The time it takes to start making money depends on the individual. Everyone works at  at their own pace. A lot of folks start their online business while still working a full-time job, so they have less time to work on their online business.

That’s okay, you don’t have to rush. There is always help available when you get stuck on something. All you have to do is ask. You get started with this training for free as a free starter member.

You can remain a starter member as long as you like, but most folks upgrade to premium membership soon, because there is so much more training to help you on your journey to success with premium.

Starting your own online business goes hand-in-hand with the training. You will be working on your own website as you are learning new things and learning how an online business works.

You have absolutely nothing to lose here as it is free to get started. Join here by clicking the green button below and take a look around. When you get inside you will be able to access me as your personal coach at any time.

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