Is Cash Formula A Scam Or How To Earn Passive Income

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Product: Cash Formula


Owner/Vender: Michael Grant

Price: $37. + Upsells

Rating: 2/10

Recommended: No


Cash Formula Review

What Is Cash Formula

If you’re looking for answers and want to learn how to earn passive income, this looks pretty good, but let’s check it out. you can’t be too careful these days with so many scams out there.

The claims get more outrageous with every passing day. I mean, really? $5,000 a day? With a done-for-you site? Another thing that would be laughable if not so ridiculous, is that they say it’s free but then they say it’s $37 Plus upsells for every step.

I guess you could say it’s free for the bargain price of $37 but then you’ll have some upsells along the way. But what’s $37 when you can make $5,000 a day in 24 hours and $100,000 in the next 30 days. I’ve heard all these claims before and in fact you can see a few of the others I’ve reviewed below.

Velocitii Review

Profit Tunnel Blueprint Review

Passion Profits Review

Bullet Proof Commissions Review

Contenu Review


I’ve learned that sites like this only make money for the owners and no one else. They lure people in with the claims that they can become rich in a month but you would just be throwing your money away and wasting your time. There are better ways to make money online.

How Does Cash Formula Work

This is a done for you system and I know this type of system doesn’t work. They all look alike. This product really does nothing to explain how it works.

It just tells you how much money you can make and how easy it is, but easy is not the answer. It takes time and work to make money online. It is true that you can make money online but it certainly will not be that quick or that easy.

Most of these systems grab your money and are out of business in less than a year leaving you with nothing to show for you the money.

Is Cash Formula A Scam

Well, you have to decide that for yourself but I will tell you their testimonials are fake. These are all done by hired actors. Even the testimonials that aren’t actors are still fake.

There are so many red flags that stand out here.  When you do as many reviews as I do , you learn very quickly how to spot these alerts.  I know from experience that there is no magical way to start making thousands of dollars in a day or even a week or month.

They just use photos from other websites to create the success stories. If people were really making money with this product they would not need fake testimonials and success stories.

Even the owners is fake. The photo is a stock photo from the internet. Then there is the price! They tell you it’s free in the beginning. Then they say it’s $37.

But once you pay $37. and get into the members area, they don’t give you enough information for you to really start making any money, so there are expensive upsells for every step along the way.

You won’t be able to figure it out unless you continue to purchase these upsells. They also tell you that they are only accepting a few more spots and then it will be taken down.

But if you go back later the same day or the next day the number of spots are still the same as the last time you checked.  At best this product is very misleading.

It won’t work the way they claim it works and it will cost you more than they claim. Some may be able to figure this product out and be able to make a little money but it’s doubtful. At least being a ClickBank product you can get your money back.

The Best Way To Make Money Online

The best way to make money online is with affiliate marketing. You can set up your own blog and start your own, online business that you will have complete control over.

If you’re not sure how to do this, I can help. You can learn from the same place where I learned. A few years ago I stumbled upon an amazing website that specializes in teaching folks how to make money online.

They cover every aspect of making money online, from how to build out your website to getting traffic and optimizing your site for search engines.

You won’t find any other training on the internet that will compare to what wealthy affiliate offers. They will teach you how to get targeted, organic traffic to your website.

They’ll teach you how to explode your traffic and turn it into conversions. There’s never a question that they can’t answer. Not only that, wealthy affiliate is a 1.7 million members strong so if you get stuck with something, you can always get help by going to live chat.

There really is 24-hour support. Wealthy Affiliate is a safe place to learn and they’ll get you on the right path to success. I tried many other products before I discovered wealthy affiliate and I always ended up in Failure.

None of them actually gave me enough information for me to achieve success. Wealthy affiliate will start you from zero knowledge to owning your own successful online business that earns you passive income for years to come.

They offer step-by-step, easy to follow training. You can check out my full review of Wealthy Affiliate by going here.

You can also see some real live success stories of real wealthy affiliate members. Wealthy affiliate doesn’t claim to be a get-rich-quick product. It takes time and hard work to achieve success with affiliate marketing.

If you are committed to learning and achieving success you can do it at wealthy affiliate. Give it a try. Check it out here for free.

If you truly want to learn how to earn passive income, this is the place to do it.


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