Stomperrr Review

Stomperrr Review - Is image of the stomperrr software packaging

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Stomperrr Review


 We here at authentic affiliates, review making money online systems and post our results in the hopes that we can help keep other online business owners from being scammed by some of these unfavorable products.

In this article we’re going to dig in with this stomperrr review and see what we find. Will let you know. 


  Stomperrr Review Summary


 Product:   Stomperrr

Creator:   Brendan mace

Price: $17.95 plus expensive up sells

Rating:  2/ 10

Recommended:  No




It”s a fact that most websites around the world today are slow to load, by both Google and customer standards. Customers expect a site to load within three to four seconds. if this doesn’t happen, the visitor is gone.

They leave and never return to the site. You will never get another chance with them. These companies have money in their budget to fix these websites but the problem is, they don’t even know their sites aren’t running up to par.

If they know this they usually want to fix it right away.


What Is Stomperrr?


Stomperrr Review - is picture of offer.




 Stomperrr is a breakthrough Software System that will find an abundance of clients for you that have website problems. With the help of this sotware you can find the issues that are causing your client to lose traffic and sales.

You can then charge premium fees for fixing the problem.  All you need to do then is outsourc the fix as they show in software. Sounds really easy, right? Well, there are a few flaws in the mix.

That price I quoted you only gets you into the front-end but there is not enough information and Automation in the front-end to get you making money. You will need to  purchase more and more software to get this business going and each up sell gets more and more expensive.

It’s risky business that I won’t  buy into. If you’re a risk-taker and  have enough cash to squander, you may want to take a chance on this. You may even make some money as well.


How Does Stomperrr Work?



Stomperrr Review - is picture of offer



The way the system works is you just enter any Niche keyword and get the location into the software and it will instantly find you a list of thousands of client prospects. A few minutes after you enter the information into the software, it will check website speed and send you the results of which sites have low speed.

You would then save all these results. When you are ready you can add these results to a campaign you have already created or to a new campaign. You would then send emails to these prospects. These emails are done for you as well. You will have several email template to choose from.


Who Is Stomperrr For?


In my opinion, this product is for the creator of the software to make money. You probably won’t make money with the front-end software. In order for you to make any real money you would have to buy the expensive up sells.

If you have the money to risk, then I would  say go for it. You may really make some good money. I’m personally going to opt out on this one. I’m just not a big risk taker.


Is Stomperrr A Scam?


Stomper Review - is picture of offer



No, I do not believe Stomperrr is a scam. I do think you could make some good money using this product if you can afford to purchase the up sells. You know what they say, “it takes money to make money”.  It’s just not the product for me.



  •  I do think there is some real good money to be made with this product if you can afford to buy the up cells
  • front-end price is Affordable to get you started 



  •  Not enough product and information to get you making money.
  •  Expensive up sells
  • Not as easy as they claim
  • A beginner could not make this work
  • No Support



 I’ve done the stomperrr review and it doesn’t look good. The front-end product is inexpensive but you probably won’t be able to make any money with it. This product is great

for the Creator to make a six-figure monthly income by selling this software system. If you can’t afford the up sells you’re probably not going to make money.

There is another problem that a newbie might not think about.  They claim this is all done for you and you don’t need a website.  These companies are closing up shop.  They

move on and start up another one under a new name which means you lose everything because you can’t get into your site.  Not only that, you lose any outstanding



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 A Much Better Way To Make Money Online

My top recommendation platform is wealthy affiliate. Wealthy affiliate is the best platform to learn and earn for affiliate marketers. It’s free to get started and there are no expensive up sells.

The training is focused on teaching you to build your own online business in any niche you choose.

The core training at wealthy affiliate is focused on helping you choose a niche based on your passion or interest and build an affiliate website around that niche. Yes, wealthy affiliate has an affiliate program where you can promote their membership but the main focus is on the training.

Wealthy Affiliate is over two million members strong and is a very supportive community but also has wonderful tech support.  They can usually have any tech problem fixed in five or ten minutes.

The co-owners are friendly, they actually answer your private messages and are often seen in the 24/7 live chat chatting away with the members and answering questions.

If you would like to take a look at this platform and training, it’s free to get started, go here!



Below is a graphic that shows you the difference between the free membership and the premium membership.

membership comparison sheet





You can absolutely get traffic and make money using the free membership. It just takes a little longer to get the traffic and make money and the commission’s are 50% less with the free membership then with the premium membership.


 Thank you for checking out my review. If you have questions or comments please leave them in the comment area below.


Stompterrr Review- Is picture of website owner




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