Product: Rapid Profit System
Website: rapid-profit-system.com
Creator: Omar & Melinda Martin
Price: $9.97 + Up-sells
Recommended: No
This product makes some big claims about making you being able to make $336./day using this system but can they really be trusted to deliver on claims that are so big?
What Is Rapid Profit System
This program was created by two of the most well known marketers in the industry, so what’s my problem? My problem with this program is, I can’t find any record of successes.
Yes, they have testimonials on their website but by reading through some of them, I discovered that at least some of them are people that are connected to the business end of the company.
Rapid Profit System is an online marketing video training course that teaches beginners the ins and outs of affiliate marketing. It offers a solid background on how affiliate marketing works.
It walks you through the method that the creator uses to make his online income.
They claim that you can copy their method and bring in $336 per day by following the simple steps they outline in their videos.
Is their method truly as good as they claim or is it just another crappy rehashed product. I do feel that there is some valuable information in this course but the claim that one can start making money almost instantly gives me pause.
I’m hoping this is the real deal here so let’s dig in and find out what’s up with this one.
How Does It Work
When you sign up you get some videos that will supposedly teach you how affiliate marketing works and how to use the system to rake in the big money really quickly
When you make the decision to purchase Rapid Profit System, you will get it for just under $10 depending on when you buy it.
Keep in mind that after you purchase it you will be offered a few more expensive add on items to go with it.
If you purchase Rapid Profit System you will receive 5 training videos that will walk you through the steps in 3 different phases.
These phases are as follows:
Profit Plan Phase 1
- Method for locating buyers to market to
- How to attract ideal prospect audiences
- What to consider when evaluating promotions
- Red-flags that will kill your campaign
Profit Plan Phase 2
- Strategy that builds a list while profiting
- Blueprint for persuading customers to buy
- Triple Threat Method
- OP2 Bonus Template and Crush Email series
Profit Plan Phase 3
- 2 strategies for getting promotions in front of buyers
- How to create an audience of buyers
- Creative strategies to bring in clicks
- Set and forget process to keep commissions coming in
Is Rapid Profit System A Scam
I don’t think this is a scam because it does have some good information that a beginner could use but I do think the training falls really short of getting you to a point where you can make any money.
You get some “made for you” websites but there’s no way these will work because you need traffic in order to make money and this kind of website won’t bring traffic.
Also, no matter how good the training is, you’re never going to make $336./a day as fast as they say you will. So, all in all, the system is at the very least, really misleading in their claims.
How I Make Money Online
If you want to make money online, you can learn how it works and what it will take to achieve success online from the same place I learned from. The training is the best you can find anywhere on the internet.
The training will include how to set up your website for success, how to choose a niche, how to get traffic to your site, how to optimize your site for search engines, how to get your site ranked and so much more.
They will teach you how to start an online business from scratch teach you it takes to make money with your site. It won’t be easy and it won’t be fast but when it is set up properly like you will be trained, it will be a strong and lasting business that will sutain you for many years to come.
I had been working online for several years and had made some money here and there, but it was never enough to support my family or to brag about.
Over the years I continued to search online because I knew there was a way to make REAL money online. Finally, one day I came across a website called Wealthy Affiliate and this was a life changing discovery for me.
I have to say I was very skeptical at first but as I got deeper into the training, I knew I was on the right path. It has not been an easy journey but it has been a solid path to success.
There are literally hundreds of lessons and video tutorials as well as live, weekly webinars, wordpress easy installer, keyword research tool, web hosting, SSL certificate and so much more.
It’s free to join and you can remain a free member as long as you like but if you decide you want more advanced training and tools, you can upgrade to premium. No pressure though! That’s it, two membership levels, free or premium. No other up sells.
When you join Wealthy Affiliate you get support from not only the owners and ambassadors but also from a large community of other members that is over one million strong.
You can learn from the same exact training that I used to create my own successful online business.
Click the button below to sign up and check it out for free.