Passive Income Machine Review

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Passive Income Machine Review

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Welcome to my Passive Income Machine review.  I’m going to show you everything you need to know about this new product that was created by Paul Nicholls and Trevor Carr.  This system has been dubbed the “Holy Grail” of internet marketing.

Passive Income Machine is a step-by-step video course.  These 16 videos explain everything you need to know in order to be successful in this business.  I’ll give you the good the bad and the ugly on this product.

I’ll cover everything you need to know about how to make money with this super easy method that brings you passive income month after month for as long as you want.


Product:  Passive Income Machine

Creator:  Paul Nicholls and Trevor Carr

Price:  $9.95 with Upsells

Rating:  5/10

Recommended: yes


What Is Passive Income Machine

This is a video training system for making money online, created by Paul and Trevor  There is a total of 16 videos.  This system is the product of a four year case study.  Paul

started this business model in 2013.  He tested it, made some money, spent some money, lost some money and finally achieved a highly polished and replicable system.  This system also comes with alternative solutions and is now a full video training course that will allow the buyer to just copy and paste this business model.

There is a total of 16 videos. Nine of the videos were created by Paul and the other seven were created by Trevor. They both teach the same concept but they just teach it in different ways.  You’ll want to go through both sets of videos because they teach in different ways so you may gain new perspective from one to the other even though the end result is the same, passive income.

You’ll learn exactly how Paul and Trevor earned a passive income of $500. – $2,000. a month for the last four years.


Passive Income Machine Review - is picture of offer



How Does Passive Income Machine Work

Paul will be teaching you how to set up a membership website with a membership plugin on WordPress and lots of other stuff.  Trevor will be showing you a different way to use this product.

No matter which of these methods you choose the end result is the same.  You make money when people sign up for a membership to your site or group.

He’s going to show you how you can run your membership course WITHOUT having a website.

Instead, he’ll show you how you can do this with a Facebook group, which means that you can get started with little to no expenses.  My suggestion to you would be to get your own website and hosting.  It’s not needed for this program but I’ll tell you why I suggest that.

If this system should go out of business for any reason, your business would be gone as well.  If you have your own domain and hosting you won’t be affected. Trevor will also mention a few free websites where you can put some content, if you want.

They will also, of course, tell you how to get traffic (and sales) to your new site. And yes, the traffic method is free.

Trevor’s Training:

  1. Introduction 10.07
  2. Group creation 19.58
  3. using 15.20
  4. Creating content 8.39
  5. Traffic 8.12
  6. Squeeze page (optional) 6.18
  7. Conclusion 6.02


Paul’s Training:

  1. Introduction 5.04
  2. Tools and software 23.17
  3. Types of membership models 19.18
  4. Building your membership site 21.26
  5. creating content 38.11
  6. Retaining your clients 38.26
  7. Pricing 35.57
  8. Traffic 37.11
  9. Email marketing 26.26


Who Is Passive Income Machine For

Passive Income Machine is for anyone wanting to learn how to learn and earn a passive income that would allow them to work from home or anywhere in the world you want to be.  This kind of business allows you the freedom to travel, to set your own hours, to be your own boss and to live the way you want.


Is Passive Income Machine A Scam

No, I don’t think Passive Income Machine is a scam.  I don’t think it is for a complete beginner but I do think if you have some experience you could make some money using this system.  One thing you need to know before jumping into this.  The price you pay to start is not going to get you making money.  You will have to purchase upsells to move up to each level so that you actually have all the tools needed to earn a passive income.

The sales page tells you you’ll make $500. – $2,000. a month but in the training they tell you it will probably be five to eight hundred a month.  These guys are super affiliates and I believe they make a lot of money with this system but the average guy or a beginner will not make big bucks with this method.

It is definitely not fast and easy to start making money with this method.  It takes a lot of time to get it performing up to par and making money.  When you read “get started today” don’t confuse that with the thought that you will start making money today because that won’t happen.


  • It is possible to make money with this product 
  • No list required
  • Case study of four years



  • A little difficult to set up
  • Not for a complete beginner
  • expensive upsells




I believe this Passive Income Machine is a good product and that you could make some money with it.  I don’t believe it will be $2,ooo./Mo.  They even tell you at the end of the sales page that it will

probably be more like $800./Mo but that’s okay too.  It won’t happen fast and easy.  It will take a lot of time and a lot of hard work but you can do it.  As the saying goes, “you

only get out what you put in”.

You will need to purchase the upsells before you will be able to rake in any money.


A Better Place To learn And Earn

My #1 Recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate.  They have a proven record of success after being in business for more than 12 years and over 2 million members.  I would say that is a pretty good sign that you can trust them.  You can get started for free with a free website and 10 free training lessons.

Click here if you would like to take a look around.





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