How To Deal With The Coronavirus

This Coronavirus Is driving me nuts! Keyword, driving. It’s true, most people in America and around the world are being driven by this virus. Some are sick with the virus, others have been exposed to the virus. Both are under quarantine. Most others are homebound to keep from being exposed to the virus.

No matter what your situation,  you are being driven buy this horrible virus. Stop letting it drive you! Most of us long to have more time to just be at home or spend more time with our family or if you’re an internet marketer, more time to work on your business.

Count your blessings! You can do that now for a few weeks. Yes the economy has bottomed out, it will come back. You miss your loved ones that you can’t be with right now, you will have a new appreciation for them when you can be with them again.  You are lonely, it’s a chance to reflect on life and realize exactly what’s most important to you.


How To Deal With The Coronavirus



A Time For New Beginnings

With so many people loosing their jobs because of the Coronavirus there will be so much competition for every available job on the market.

If you’ve lost your job, it’s the best time ever to get a foolproof job, one that you can never be fired or laid off from. One that will give you the luxury of working at home or working from anywhere in the world you want to be and one that will allow you to make as much money as you want to make. There’s no better time ever to become an affiliate marketer.

It gives you location freedom and the amount of money you can make depends on how much you want to make. The sky is the limit!  If you don’t have a clue how to do this, I can help. There is training that will take you from a clueless beginner to a complete professional in a very short time.


How To Deal With The Coronavirus


Building Your New Business

As you are training you will also be setting up your own line business. It’s all part of the training. You will follow it step-by-step with videos that you can start and stop to do the task along the way. You will install your website. Don’t be scared, it’s so easy my six-year-old grandson can do it and you will have it installed in about a minute. You won’t believe how easy it was.

You’ll learn how to choose a niche and write some content and how to optimize your website so the search engines will find it. As you write content and the search engines find your website they send visitors to your site. It’s called traffic.  When you start getting traffic to your site you will start promoting a product. That’s called affiliate marketing.

No, you don’t have to sell anything or ship anything. You just have to write about it. You write whether you like it or don’t like it, the pros and cons about it. Affiliate Marketing is the act of promoting other people’s products in exchange for a commission. That’s how you make money online. You choose a subject you can talk (write) about. That’s your Niche. You write about it and tell folks about it.

You link to a product that you tell people about. When someone clicks on that link and buys that product, you earn a commission. I’ll give you an example. Suppose you love the outdoors or camping. You could write about your camping trips or fishing trips. You could tell people about the kind of tents you like or the kind of boat you like or fishing poles and Tackle.

You could even write about hiking boots and cameras in this outdoor niche. You get the idea. You could add a link to all the products you talked about and when someone clicks the link and buys the product you make money.

It’s a win-win situation but where do you get the products to link to you ask. Almost every product you find to talk about has an affiliate program you can sign up to as an affiliate marketer. When you sign up, they give you a personal link that you can add to the product you are writing about. Another way is to just sign up to Amazon Associates program. Almost everyone is accepted to their program even as a beginner.

They have millions of products. You can browse through and choose what you want to write about and add your link to the image you get from Amazon. If a person clicks on your link it will take them to Amazon. Once they are in Amazon you will make a commission on their entire order even if it’s not the item they clicked on.

You can create a very nice income with just Amazon products alone. Most marketers create several streams of income on their websites and some folks have many websites at the same time. It’s not uncommon for affiliate marketers to be making $10,000 to $50000 a month and the superstars are making hundreds of thousands a month.

You can learn exactly how this is all done at the very same place where I learned and you can get it all started for free. It’s called wealthy affiliate. You can sign up for a free membership and start the training. Wealthy Affiliate has been a trusted training platform for over 13 years now and has over 2 million members.

It speaks for itself as being a trusted place to learn and earn. Your membership includes a free website and free hosting along with free training.

They do offer a premium membership which gives you a lot of Advanced Training as well as 10 websites and so much more. You can check out the comparison chart below. If this is something you would like to check out click here. 

How T Deal With The Coronavirus




Don’t let this virus drive you.  Make it your mission to beat this!

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