Free Ad Cash System: The Scoop Or Big Scam

Hey there! Are you ready to start making $3K a day without having to work your fingers to the bone? Yeah, me too. Lets get started.

Well, that’s what Free Ad Cash System claims it will help you to earn.


Sorry, I hate to be the one to burst your bubble but right from the start I can see that Free Ad Cash System is nothing more than another big scam. I’ll explain to you the evil tricks and sinister means they use to try to cover up for this obvious scam.

You have to wise up, folks, and protect yourself from this sort of thing. There are red flags to warn you if you just pay attention.

What is Free Ad Cash System

Product Name: Free Ad Cash System


Owner: Simon Green unknown

Price: Free  $250.

Recommended: No

I’ll help you sort it all out in this review. I’ve reviewed many of this same type of scams and after seeing so many, you quickly learn to recognize certain red flags in all of them.

The Free Ad Cash System is nothing more than a software with which it’s owners claim you can make $3.6K a day “flipping Ads” and hit the jackpot in the internet world.

There are other similar scams like this one, such as Quantum Biz Code, and Income Quickies all over the internet so watch out for them.

Simon Green, the so-called owner, claims to have made over $22 Million with this system with just a few clicks of his mouse and all from the comfort of his luxurious home.

He claims he can also make you a millionaire in just 2 1/2 months using this same method. He says he’s only allowing a few more members into his circle and then he will close it out.

                                                                                                                            See My #1 Recommendation Below


How does it work

The Free Ad Cash System is nothing more than just a website with a sales video that tries to lure you into this web of deceit. They try to coax you in with the promise that you will be making huge amounts of money but first they need you to make a deposit of $250. to get it going. Big Red Flag! As I said, they claim the system is free but then ask you to deposit $250.

Think about this, do you believe that a product that will make you a millionaire in 2 1/2 months would be free or even $250. I can tell you, it would cost you thousands if it were even available. It’s all just a bunch of hype. If it were that simple, everyone would be rich by now.

Is It A Scam

Yes! First of all there’s no such thing as “flipping ads”. You buy ads to promote your product or your brand. Free Ad Cash System doesn’t exist. When you try to check out, the check out page says BannerBit. It’s not even Free ad Cash System.

Simon puts up a sad story about how he was about to lose his beautiful home that he had worked so hard for when his brother-in-law steps in to save the day. Working with his brother-in-law is where he discovered the Free Ad cash System and became a millionaire.

If that’s not enough to get you running from this fake product maybe this will. All the testimonials he offers are simply fake. You can see these people all over the internet with many different names attached to these same photos.


Free Ad Cash System is a proven scam method. There’s no way it can work. Furthermore, it was previously linked to another system called BannerFit which was also exposed as being a scam.

The truth is, there’s no way you can make $3,600. a day with this system. In order for you to make any money at all using this system, it would cost you thousands.

What’s most concerning to me is that these people are exploding the web with one after the other of this type of scam sites and they are so enticing. It’s hard not to be drawn in by them.

People are struggling to provide for their families and because of this they are more gullible making it easy to be lured into these scam systems.

There is a better and honest way to make money online. I’m going to tell you about a program that I recommend. It’s called Wealthy Affiliate. This is not one of those fly-by-night scams.

Wealthy Affiliate has been in business for more than twelve years and has well over a million members. It wasn’t a reputable company it would not have lasted so long.

Wealthy Affiliate is an honest platform that you can use to make money online. They offer hundreds of lessons and video training to teach you how to make money online. They also offer an easy, WordPress quick install for getting your websites up and running.

There is 24/7 live chat as the members are scattered all over the world, someone is always on the chat if you need help and then there’s the support of over a million other members that are always willing and able to help when needed. We are a community and I love it.

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to start a new online business from scratch and they’ll teach you the proper way to make money online. Making money online is a simple process but it takes hard work, time and commitment. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to making money online but the good thing is, anyone can do it but it does take time and commitment.

This is a great platform for high school or college students, stay at home moms, home care takers, disabled veterans and retirees. One great about owning an online business is that you can work from anywhere as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.

Why not join and take a look at Wealthy Affiliate right now. It’s free to join and no credit card required.

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