Shockwave Profits Review: Scam Or Best Ways To Make Money Online From Home

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Shockwave Profits Review


Product: Shockwave Profits


Owner/Vender: Erik Cagi, Simple Spencer, Bill Hugnall

Price: $7.97 + Upsells

Rating: 2/10

Recommended: No

I stumbled upon this system while searching the internet for best ways to make money online from home.  When I first saw it I wondered if I had just discovered my ticket to financial freedom or is this is just another big scam.

There are so many scams online these days and they make them look so good it’s hard to resist joining right up but we have to stay vigilant with our research.

If you have an online business, avoiding scams is almost a full time job in itself.  I’ve reviewed a lot of other similar products in the recent past that are offering ways to make money online from home but most don’t deliver on their promises.

You can see a few of my other reviews below:

Velocitii Review

Profit Tunnel Blueprint Review

Passion Profits Review

Bullet Proof Commissions Review

Contenu Review

I certainly have my doubts about this product fulfilling it’s claims but we’ll check it out and see what it has to offer.  I could be fooled.  With experience you learn to easily spot some red flags and I’m already seeing a lot of them here.

Let’s check this system out!

If you’re tired of dealing with scams online, check out my #1 Recommendation here!


What Is Shockwave Profits

On the Shockwave profits sales Pages they say this product is super simple and a great way to earn Quick Cash. Really? Will this product show me the best ways to make money online from home?

I’ve heard these things many times with other products that don’t deliver on their promises. I will say that this system didn’t seem to have all the hype that some of the others do.

They claim you can make $125 in just 24 hours and that is totally doable. No red flags there.

How Does Shockwave Prophets Work

When you get inside the members area of this system, you’ll get access to an introduction video by Bill Hucknall.   He’ll explain all about this system and how it works.

He also tells you that you’ll need to put 110% of effort into this product to make it work and I certainly agree with that, this is true with any Affiliated marketing venture.

Most other products don’t tell you that. They usually say it’s so easy and even a child could do it. This product tells you it requires your full-time commitment and I know that this is true.


What You’ll Get

This system includes 10 over-the-shoulder video lessons. It’s a complete system that focuses on Mini chat which is an autoresponder for Facebook Messenger.

You’ll be using this to build your list to send your affiliate promotions to. Below you will see a list of videos that are included in this system.

1. overview

2. creating a website

3. creating a mini chat account

4. creating a traffic magnet

5. tying it all together

6. driving free traffic

7. driving buyers traffic

8. how to make money

9. case study

10. conclusion and what now

The course is made up of three main parts :

A. setting up your funnel

B. building a bot list

C. using bot list to send out affiliate promotions

One thing I can tell you is that this system is not beginner friendly as they claim. In fact it has a pretty stiff learning curve.

They tell you that you will need to purchase the Thrive Theme that has a page builder but you really don’t need to purchase the Thrive Theme as there is a free page builder that you can use called Elementor.

They show you how to build a website but it’s really just a one-page landing page. This is where your visitors will opt into your mini chat list. What they are not telling you is, it will take some time before you will have any visitors to opt-in.

You see there is a lot of work to be done on any website before it will get visitors. You need to set it up for search engine optimization (S.E.O.) so the search engines can find it and rank it.

You will also need to fill your website with lots of keyword Rich content. There are just a few things that need to be done in order to get traffic to your website.

If you don’t have traffic you don’t have a list and no money will be made. If you want to make money online you would be better off creating your own website and starting your own online business that you will be in complete control of.

It’s not as difficult as you might think. You may need some training and I will tell you where you can find it later in this article.


Is Shockwave Profits A Scam

No, this is not a scam. There is some decent training and ideas in this system although it is not for the beginner. If you already have an understanding of how affiliate marketing works, then you will probably be able to figure this system out.

The thing is if you already know how I feel at marketing works, you won’t need this system. Also if you’re not happy with your purchase of Shockwave profits, it does have a money back guarantee.

Something else you should know is as soon as you purchase this product you are hit up with upsells. You’ll need to ignore the upsells and continue on to download what you purchased.


The Training I Mentioned Above


In order to be successful with making money online you’re going to need some good training. I floundered for several years trying to make money online.

I did manage to make some money but it was never any amount I’d write home about. I finally realized I needed to find some training and I was lucky enough to find the best.

I was searching the Internet for best ways to make money online from home when I stumbled upon wealthy affiliate. It had everything I needed to get me on the right path to success.

Not only do they have hundreds of lessons and video tutorials and live webinars but they also have tons of tools for you to use to make your online business a big success.

One such tool is the free keyword research tool. It will help you find the perfect keyword to get ranked in the search engines and bring targeted traffic to your website.

Are you still asking yourself if this product offers the best ways to make money online from home? I can tell you, there are much better ways to make money with your website than what this system is offering.

There is one platform that towers head and shoulders above the rest in this industry and it’s one that I’m proud to have been part of for the past 3 years.

So if you want to learn at the exact same place simply where I learned, click the banner below for totally FREE access, NO credit card needed and 10 FREE lessons along with 2 FREE websites you can build as you go along with the world-class training


button create your free account here


Let’s make money online!


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