Fast Income Generator, Scam Or Legit [Honest Review]

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Are you excited to give Fast Income Generator a try but not sure if it’s right for you?  You’re smart to check it out before jumping right in.

Product: Fast Income Generator

Website: Various

Owner: Unknown

Price: $47.

Recommended: No

What Is Fast Income Generator

Are you tired of all the scams out there trying to take your hard earned money?  Me too, and that’s why I write all these reviews, to help as many folks as possible save their money.

The Fast Income Generator sales page resembles a news page with articles and columns like a newspaper website. It talks about some work at home opportunity that Amazon has and the program will pay people as much as $500 a day.

The newsletter mentions things like exploiting Amazon since it’s making so much money these days.  They say that you can get in on it by signing up and they’ll give you some kind of set up kit to work with.

They claim that you can make up to $14K a month using that kit.  This gets people excited about the thought of making that kind of money but don’t let that suck you in.  They know how you feel and that’s exactly why they make those claims.  Don’t fall for it.  See some other sites like this one that I’ve reviewed:

Get weekly Paychecks
Writing To Wealth
EZ Bay Payday
Club 365
Rapid Profit system

How Does Fast Income Generator Work

This website claims that it can help you earn money because they can provide work from home job opportunities with Amazon. I know, that sounds great.  Amazon is a very reputable company.  Who wouldn’t want to work for them, especially since it’s a work from home opportunity.

Does it sound odd to you that Amazon would use this questionable website to handle their job recruiting for them.  They have all the money they might need for advertising.

Once you buy in to this product you’ll just be ask to buy another and another so that the owners keep making more and more money.

There are so many red flags popping up in the sales page that tell me to leave this one alone.  Sites like this one coming from ClickBank are getting dirtier every day.  They make outrageous claims that you can make ridiculous amounts of money very quickly, get it started in fifteen minutes, runs on auto pilot and more.

If that were true websites would be crashing from so many trying to sign up.  These people will say whatever it takes to suck you in.

Another thing you should know, all those testimonials you see on their page are fake.  Those people are hired actors and that’s what they do for a living.  You can find them all over the internet, in other testimonials using different names.

I’ve been making money online for a few years now and I know what it takes.  You can’t set up a new website, throw a few links and images on it and start making money.  Making money online is a specific process that takes time and a lot of work to achieve success.


Fast Income Generator Review

Is Fast Income Generator A Scam

Probably.Some of the red flags for identifying a scam are big money, fast cash, little effort, fake testimonials and flashy cars and homes.  There are many more but these are the ones that stand out the most.

Another one is when it is so vague that they tell you how much you can make and how fast you can make it but they never say exactly how you’re supposed to make all this money.

The only ones who will be making any money here are the owners!

This one has all the signs of being a scam so I would recommend you avoid it at all cost and save your money.  There are much better, legit ways to make money online.

How I Make Money online

I make money online with affiliate marketing.  This is a process where you promote other peoples/companies products in exchange for a commission, simply put.  The key to making money online is by helping others.

People are searching online for answers or solutions to problems they are having.  If you can give them real solutions that will help them solve their problems, they will likely become customers.

I haven’t always been a successful internet marketer and able ato make money online because I didn’t understand how the process worked.

I could see that others were making  money online,  the kind that I wanted to make but I was struggling.  I just couldn’t quite figure it all out.  I was about ready to give up but then I found it.

In 2016, while I was searching on the web, I discovered an amazing website called Wealthy Affiliate.  That was a life changing moment for me.  I will never forget it.  I had searched for so long for something like this but I hadn’t known exactly what I needed to search for.

When I discovered Wealthy Affiliate, I knew I had found what I needed.  I had no knowledge of S.E.O. or how to bring traffic to my website.  I didn’t know about optimizing or monetizing or how to do either.  I also didn’t know a thing about how to write the proper kind of content.

Wealthy affiliate is very different from other sites that I review in that they have all the training that you could ever need to create a successful online business.  They teach you every aspect of creating and maintaining a money making business.

You can get started for free and get your website up and running in just minutes.  With the free membership you can install your website and take the first course of training, “Entrepreneur Certification”.

It has five levels and each level has ten lessons.  By the time you sign up, install your website and complete the first course, you’ have your new online business up and running and you may have even made a little money.

The training teaches you the best way but it won’t be the easiest way.  The easiest way is not always the best way.  The way it’s taught at Wealthy Affiliate is the best way because it works for everyone and every niche.

If you follow the training and complete all the tasks in the order they are offered, you won’t fail.  There are success stories every day about people growing their businesses by thousands of dollars a month but it took time and effort to reach that point.

When you join Wealthy Affiliate, you not only get all the training but you get a community of 1.5 million other members that will help make sure you succeed.  You also get 24/7 live chat to go to for help if you get stuck on something.

There are two membership levels to choose from and never any upsells.  The first level is the free starter membership.  You can remain a free member for as long as you want and continue to work on your business and your website.

The second level is the premium level.  You can upgrade from the starter to the premium level at any time you want.  See the comparison chart below to see the difference between the two membership levels:


You can learn how to make money online from the same exact place where I learned and get your new online business up and rolling.  It’s free to get started! Just click the green button below and you’ll be on your way.


button create your free account here


Let’s make some money!


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