John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System Review: Is It A Scam

Are you searching for a way to make money online but keep running into these scam websites.  Check out my review of John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System.

super affiliate system review

Product Name:Super Affiliate System


Price: $997.

Owner: John Crestani

Recommended: No

There are so many online scams out there these days it’s hard to know which ones are scams and which ones are legit.  There are some red flags to look out for that will help you stay on top of things.

See a few things to look out for:

  1. Is it too vague to know what it’s about?
  2. Does it claim you can make huge $$$ very quickly?
  3. Does it ask for money up front before you can see what it is about?
  4. Do they offer support?

These are just a few of many things to watch for to determine if it is a scam.

What Is Super Affiliate System

John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System is a program that is based on paid Traffic.  It’ a high ticket, affiliate marketing program that uses paid advertising to get traffic.

They say it  pays the highest commissions at 50%.  It seems the traffic comes from an auto webinar funnel.John Cristani claims that he has made millions and millions of dollars using this platform and also claims that his students have made millions.

The traffic sources he says he uses are:

  1. Reviews
  2. Product Backends
  3. JV Promos/email list which he says have a 15% conversion rate
  4. Cold Traffic like Facebook and You Tube Ads
  • They say that the Super Affiliate System is the fastest growing high-ticket bizopp product with over 60 affiliates generating sales from email lists, JV promos, Facebook ads traffic, Youtube ads traffic, SEO review blogs, and Google PPC.
  • Are you starting to see some Red Flags here.  Yeah me too.  I may be just too skeptical because I’ve seen so many scam sites.  Usually when it looks too good to be tru, it’s too good to be true.

How Does Super Affiliate System Work

The Super Affiliate System is a one-time Payment of $997.  The program supposedly teaches you how to use a paid traffic method to make money from affiliate marketing.

There are numerous “hidden upsells” that are not explicitly mentioned.

It’s a complete course focusing on Paid Traffic Methods, such as Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads & Google Ads, to help you grow your affiliate marketing business.  Below is the format for the training they say you will get for your money.

super affiliate system Review


Here are some of the reasons this system doesn’t work for me:

  1. I would have to buy things I don’t want to.
  2. I would be promoting the things he chose, not what I want to promote.
  3. Engaged with a high ticket program that is viewed as highly risky at this point, no thanks.  If they were ever to shut down, so will your entire business.
  4. Expensive – My online business cost me less than a dinner out at a nice restaurant
  5. Paid traffic, expensive, and you’re always chasing the money.

I don’t have to chase the money with the program I use, the money comes to me and I don’t have to use any paid promotions and such.

Is This Product A Scam

I certainly wouldn’t say that this system is a scam, I do think you could make money with it bust how many folks can afford to pay out a thousand dollars for a system that you don’t even know for sure that it works.  When I lay out $1,000. It’s going to be a sure thing.

Another thing is, if people are out there searching for ways to make money online, do they even have this kind of money to spend on a system that is this expensive.

I know there is a better and safer way to make money online and no risk involved.

Build Your On Successful, Money Making, Online Business

When you build your own website and turn it into a successful online business that you own yourself, you don’t have to depend on anyone and you could still make the kind of money that some of these questionable sites only claim to make.

I have done just that which I had started to do 2 years ago and it’s been making me money all year long in the 4 digits a month.

I also use affiliate marketing as my business model and the best way to do it is with your own online business where people could come searching for you.

I am building an online business that attracts its own online visitors without having to spend a single penny for traffic.

I get visitors just like you here on my site and I don’t pay anything for it.

Where I learned all this is the key to my success, I had real, comprehensive training that showed me everything, step by step.

The best part is that you could get onto that training platform for FREE to check things out first before you have to even touch your wallet.

You will be able to get quite a lot with your free account as well including lessons, business tools, and community help from others just like you or others like me who’s been in the business awhile.

Stop wasting time on other people’s system and start building your own money making asset today!

You can find out what this online business is about, how it all works by clicking on the button below.


button create your free account here



I’m so sorry to say that while this product may not be a scam, I am still not going to be recommending it.  I find it to be questionable as to how difficult or easy it is to achieve success and make large enough amounts of money compared to the investment.  I like a sure thing.

Also the fact there is no actual business that I will own, after putting in the hard work is not something I want.  I want to own a successful online business of my own, one that I have complete control of.

I want a business that will sustain me with a nice income for years to come and I can pass on to my family or sell for a nice chunk of change if I so desire in the future.

So, for this reason, I won’t recommend Super Affiliate System.  I prefer to make money online a different way!

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